The Beginning that is the End

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last,

The beginning and the end. Revelation 22:13


Read Revelation 1:4—8

He is yet to be revealed. At least to those who do not believe him. I see him by faith. I know him as freedom from sin. But there are eyes that do not see him. There are hearts for whom he is not the beginning and the end of it all. I look for his coming (when I am true to my faith). They do not (when they are true to their faith). I am a priest to serve his God and Father. So I am to prepare all I can to be ready to recognise him, to know this joyful freedom, to be happy that the Beginning of all things, when they meet him, will also be our End, our most fulfilling End.


Father, you are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the source of all things and our final goal. So this day that I have lived has been taken up into your final purpose. May those I talked with, thought of, argued with, befriended or insulted or visited or overlooked, may all I have encountered somehow be directed toward you, somehow be prepared for the impossible blessing, the outflowed blessing of meeting with you. Let those who least expect it find your forgiveness for all that is past, and the greatest enthusiasm for all that is to come.