The commission to witness

O Lord, open my lips,

And my mouth will declare your praise. Psalm 51:15


Read Acts 10:39—48
These, my brothers and sisters in Christ, were called to witness to Jesus. They were invited to eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead. They were commissioned to testify about him. They were sent to draw people from every culture towards faith in Jesus and the wonder of forgiveness, nothing less than life renewed and restored as though it had never been spoiled in the first place. As though — can I really believe this? — I bear no responsibility for the beautiful life I marred. Rather, now I can simply live in the beauty and the delight of it as though I am fresh minted by him, newly created.

Dear Father God, maker and redeemer of all heaven and earth, and of my life within it all, thank you for those first witnesses to your Spirit-filled Son. Thank you that I know what you have done for me and in me through their testimony. Thank you that the same Spirit who moved them now convinces me and renews me. It will be a true fulfilment of this work in me if the same Spirit opens my heart and my mouth. If I should find myself also pointing others to Jesus I would be so richly rewarded. May I have the privilege of offering Christ to those who never suspected that he was for them. I pray for this in Jesus’ name.