Wake up!

Better a little with the fear of the Lord

Than great treasure and trouble with it. Proverbs 15:16


Read Revelation 3:1—6

Wake up! To be a Christian at all, from the outset, is to have been woken up. If I know Christ and I know myself as his, it is because I have been woken from my slumber. (From death, actually. From spiritual death.) But it seems I can nod off again. I guess I would do that by neglecting prayer times such as this. By giving God my inattention. By disregarding his voice, his word. That would mean paying no heed to the prompting that certainly does come, even from my conscience when it is tender; let alone more arresting convictions of the Spirit; quite apart from outright struggling with God when God speaks his clear intentions through the scripture; or the address to my heart when a sermon is clearly inspired by the Lord himself. God has ways and means of waking me to his voice.


Lord God, you speak. You speak to those who have ears to hear. You speak to the dead and your voice wakes them. I have heard you speak through Jesus and he has woken me. He has woken me to yourself, and in him I am alive. It has taken the movement of the Spirit within to make me alert to Christ. Apart from Christ Jesus, apart from his Spirit, I would be full of my own thoughts and ambitions and activities. I could be excessively busy. But I would be dead. Rather would I be calmly obedient to your voice in the one thing you lay before me than frantically filling my life with thousands of useless activities.