Better than gold

For God’s foolishness

Is wiser than human wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:25


Read Proverbs 8:11—21

There is no end to the constant sorting out process in my life. I’m making choices by the day and the hour. Not everything I can have do I have. Not everything that I can admire do I admire. I am told that all things belong to Christ.[1] Christ himself tells me that if I seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, all things will be given to me.[2] Obviously he means that they’ll come weeded of false purpose and worthlessness. They’ll come within God’s purpose. They’ll have real value. They’ll last. They’ll suit a person being prepared for God’s kingdom. This life of God is not some parsimonious life. It’s a life of plenty. It’s a life full. But it is a life discerned, refined, the rubbish discarded, that I will be able to fully set my mind on, lose myself in, enjoy to the full. I’ll be made more true to myself and to Christ Jesus, who became for us the wisdom of God.[3]


When you made all things, my Father and Creator, you declared it all good. You placed me among humanity and you blessed what you had done. You have put all things in subjection under your Son. He will bring all things back as an offering to you and you will be all in all.[4] So many ‘alls!’ So when you ask me to discern what is yours, in all wisdom, and when you ask me to participate in what is yours, this is freighted with a value and a joy beyond anything that will pass away. The things of God are rich beyond measure, broad beyond measure, and will last beyond any age.

[1] 1 Corinthians 15:27

[2] Matthew 6:33

[3] 1 Corinthians 1:30

[4] 1 Corinthians 15:28