A gentle spirit

A broken and a contrite heart,

O God, you will not despise. Psalm 51:17


Read 1 Peter 3:1—6

Of course I immediately want to jump to and rewrite the scripture for my own time. I want to ensure the equality of the relationship. That is the signature tune of my time. And, anyway, in another direction, if this scripture passage is questioning time in the hairdresser, the jeweller, the dress shop or the craft fair: don’t unbelieving husbands like their wives to take trouble with their appearance? Don’t they find this pleasing? Are their wives supposed not to be sexy? Are unbelievers likely to be won to the faith by a dour Jane? All that being ironed out, what am I left with? I am still left with the heart of it. I owe whomever I relate to, however intimate the relationship, an inner self of lasting beauty and quiet spirit. And I can just bet that, since this has been drawn to my attention in today’s reading, something will happen soon at home, at work, in my social life, where this exactly comes to mind. It will arise from my need to have this spirit, and I’ll pray that God will supply it.


A gentle and a quiet spirit usually has not hurt me, Father. Where I have seen it in others it has struck me as a strength. It has been something to honour. It has come to me as a sign from you. Some things need no justification at all. They just prove themselves. They exhibit what it is to be Godly. So grant me an understanding of others when I need a gentle and a quiet spirit. And grant me the presence of the Holy Spirit when I need a gentle and a quiet spirit. Yes, I covet, I value, I want a gentle and a quiet spirit.