The truth that makes free

In you all the families of the earth

Shall be blessed. Genesis 12:3


Read John 8:31—36

When I am listening to the word of Jesus, and the Word who is Jesus,[1] I am listening to the one who has been with the Father from all eternity. I am being spoken to out of the very origin and purpose of all things. There is no word that can instruct me more truly and surely in the matter of where I have come from, for what purpose I am here, and where is my goal. I am hearing, then, in the word Jesus addresses to me, not just what I am to do, but who I am. He speaks into my life in such a way that I can find myself. I find myself as one brought into such a relationship with his Father that I can say, along with him, ‘Father, dear Father,’ and not be an outsider wondering how I would ever get in. This is my freedom. It is the freedom and benefit of being in the Father’s presence as his loved and welcomed child.


Father, dear Father, I thank you that the word of Jesus is the Word of God, and that the Word of God is Jesus. And that he has addressed me, that he has not withheld himself from me. That in him I am free. I am free to know you. I am freed to speak to you myself. Simply calling you ‘Father’ gives me freedom. It gives me dignity. It gives me security. It gives me who I am.





[1] John 1:1—18