Walking humbly with God

That your way may be known on earth,

Your saving power among all nations. Psalm 67:2


Read Micah 6:6—9

My life comes to me in a complex form, and I struggle to sort my priorities. I live among those who strive to fit everything in. It often amounts to too much. Unless I stop, unless I allow God to speak his sorting-out word, I will have a busy conglomeration to present before him, but nothing that he will recognise as his own. So here it is: where have I seen justice today? And made it mine? Where kindness to do? Where did I walk humbly with my God?


You are the Lord my God who called Israel out of slavery in Egypt and gave them the way to walk before you. You raised humanity from the dead when you raised Jesus, the firstborn of a new creation,[1] so that I could be among all those who walk a new way, in newness of life.[2] So that, I see now, is why this day has been given to me, to live in you and to live for you, and to live in this world as your world. In fact, it has been given to me to live for your world’s renewal. If today I have seen justice and kindness I thank you. If I have participated in justice and kindness I thank you for the privilege. And I finish this day in faith committing those I have encountered to you, and their cause to you. I bless you that you have given me every day to walk humbly with my God.




[1]Colossians 1:15,18

[2]Romans 6:4