The city of the great king

I believe in the holy catholic church,

The communion of saints.  Apostles’ Creed


Read Hebrews 12:18—24

To simplify: I have come to Jesus. And with him I have come to what the whole of the Bible promises, now fulfilled, the stories told through to their proper end, their intended conclusion; the shadows made real and in full colour; the clues and the hints and the suggestions solved, blown out into full meaning. I have come to my own life, accordingly, filled out. And clearly I am not alone. I may pray alone tonight, yet I am anything but bereft. I am part of all this as I am in Christ, part of this vibrant city of the living God.


God my Father, in your beloved Son Jesus Christ you have made open this way for me to live with you. He is both the great high priest and the offering that he himself brings. He conducts me to you and is himself the way I must walk. This very day that I have lived, you have placed within it some sign of him. Some time within it he has called. He has spoken. Yet I could have barely stopped to follow the sign, hardly paused to hear the word. Now I do. I stop. I pause. I listen. And I pray that the shadows now be made real, the clues and the hints lead me to him in greater fullness. For as you have promised him in the unfolding scripture, so his promise is written into my unfolding days. It must lead to communion. This night may I know the true communion that the saints have with you.