Every living creature

These all look to you

To give them their food in due season. Psalm 104:27


Read Genesis 9:8—17

Let me think about living creatures. Those that have been my companions today. That have called, chirped, hopped, wheeled high and free, burrowed deep, scurried away or nuzzled into me. That have laid their eggs in the yard or raised the alarm from the tree tops or sniffed out their prey or barked in the distance. Mostly they can do very well without me. But my life would be dull without them, even though they are mostly happy to be in the background. They are not nameless, neutral things. They are gifts. They are company. They have an invisible name written on them, the name of their maker, and it is the same name that I have written upon me. I may not dishonour them. I’ll be diminished if I do.


Lord of creation, how much more delight can you excite in me? What pleasure it is to know myself among all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small. And to be the part within the creation that can thrill to the beauty of it; that can study and research it all; that can paint and photograph it; that can befriend creatures and learn more about myself by looking into their ways, funny or dignified; that can serve the creatures and promote their welfare and guard their futures; that can be fed and sheltered at their gift of themselves. What a privilege it is for me to be the creature that can reflect your image among them all, can thank you, honour you, and praise you on behalf of the rest.