Your kingdom come

All things have been created

Through him and for him. Colossians 1:16


Read Isaiah 65:17—25

I live among echoes and promises. Echoes of a beginning, of a garden, the Lord walking in it in the cool of the evening, inviting us to fellowship.[1] Promises: promises of a holy mountain where the lion and the lamb feed together, where hurt and destruction are no more. I walk by faith in the one by whom all things were made, and for whom all things were made. So, as I wade through each day, all parts of this creation are things I must treasure. I must treasure them in themselves. But even more, as echoes. Even more, as promises.


Father, I thank you that I have been able to walk through your creation this day, and that in Jesus Christ I know both its origin and its destiny. Mainly I missed this as I lived through the day, but now I have time to see what I missed. I can see that everything about me has shone with its own proper glory. All the breathing creatures. All the growing plants. They do not need anything beyond themselves to be quite grand. Yet you are not content that this day’s present hurts should win through in finality, that the destruction and the decay of all should be the ultimate conclusion. All things have come to be through your word. And your word is life and it speaks truth.[2] Your word speaks creation, and cannot help speaking of the creation that will be renewed and restored and fulfilled and be simply worth waiting and praying for, and actually longing, longing to see in its completion.

[1]Genesis 3:8

[2] John 1:3—4