
I know that while in heaven he stands

No tongue can bid me thence depart. Charitie Lees Bancroft


Read Hebrew 9:24—28

I can read all about the first plans for the ark to go into the holy place.[1] I can read about the high priest’s vestments.[2] And the craftsmen making it all.[3] The instructions for the Day of Atonement, mighty day on the annual calendar for dealing with the sin of Israel.[4] And the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, under Solomon.[5] In Jesus’ day it had been re-built: ‘Look, master, look!’ The disciples down from the country are agog at the huge stones, the massive structure, the beauty, the permanence of it, the magnificence. But that was a shadow of the real thing, sins forgiven once for all, forever; the entry of Jesus into God’s presence on my behalf, once for all, forever. He won’t repeat it. His reappearance will be to complete it, to come for me.

[1] Exodus 25:10—22

[2] Exodus 28

[3] Exodus 36:30—39:31

[4] Leviticus 16

[5] 2 Chronicles 3—7

Holy Lord, I thank you for the pictures that I am given by reflecting on that holy place of Israel: the reverence and sanctity of your presence; the careful skill and labour of those who respected you deeply, who contributed their work to show your glory to the world, to picture heaven on earth; the steps the high priest took to sanctify himself before you; the offering for sin and the confession of it and the desire to be rid of it. But now I look forward and I see Jesus. And he has done all this for me once for all. I see him, as it were, at the entrance, smiling broadly. This is the joy set before him. He is welcoming me to the place I await eagerly. These things open out into life in eternal communion.