My friend and protector

The Lord your God you shall fear;

Him you shall serve. Deuteronomy 6:13


Read Matthew 4:1—11

I can see that before Jesus even began his ministry he had thought all about the chosen people, Israel, and in his one short life he relived their life and brought it to its fulfilment. He has just gone through the water, as they went through the waters.[1] He’s out in the wilderness, as they were. He is tested, as they were, they for forty years, he for forty days. He positions himself where Israel was when they were gathered to enter the promised land. Deuteronomy is the record of Moses’ address to Israel before they enter the promised land. Each answer Jesus gives to the Devil’s temptations comes from that book.[2] Yes, he relives Israel’s story. He sees himself in every scene. So tonight I know that Jesus went into combat for the people of God, and for me, to open up the way ahead so that I could advance into an inheritance, a promised land, the place of God’s blessing.[3]


Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Messiah of Israel. You bring about God’s purpose for the whole of humanity. And you are my friend and protector. I can trust myself to you. You have faced every enemy I am ever likely to face. You faced the tempter. You were not swayed from your course. I have learned often enough not to trust my own moral power. I have again and again given in to temptations you resisted. No, it is not my strength I trust. It is yours. By holding to your course you have delivered me into the blessing of God. Thank you for what you are teaching me as I rely on you and trust you. I hear your words, ‘Not by bread alone. Give us this day our daily bread.’ Here, surely, is food enough for me.

[1] Matthew 3:13-17

[2] Deuteronomy 8:3; 6:16; 6:13

[3] Matthew 5:5