God’s anointed

I have found my servant David;

With my holy oil I have anointed him. Psalm 89:20


Read 1 Samuel 24:8—12

Saul was on a campaign to assassinate David. God had promised David the kingship that Saul occupied. And David was no man of peace. He was a warlord. I would have thought when he had Saul at his mercy (not for the only time) he had an  opportunity he would not waste. It must have seemed God-given. So his reverence for Saul is quite remarkable. It was certainly worth recording in scripture. He gives me, in this story, a great respect for those God has ordained. A fearful respect for the whole process of doing God’s will only in God’s way. Any issue I’ve struggled with, any solution that suggests itself, I will now need to put through this sieve: the only way open to me is God’s way.


Father God, you have set up human life so that I can know you as I live it, learn of you as I make daily decisions, honour you and be fashioned into your likeness as I deal with the opportunities that present themselves. I thank you that you care to form and shape me. That my life experiences matter. That I can grow more Godly. That I can discern and find God’s way, and that it is more precious than my own convenient outcomes. That you will bless me as I press into your methods and motives, and that I will finally be ordained to your image and likeness.