Gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed

In the last days it will be, God declares,

That I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Acts 2:17


Read Hebrews 2:1—4

The time in which I live is a time to live joyfully in the salvation of God. The day I have just spent was given for this purpose. It has all been laid on for me. I live in the era of the Holy Spirit. Let me think of the past day like this: it was given to me so that my life could be a sign of the renewed world to come. Is that really how my day went? My day was intended, by God, to be a sign of his word active among us. Was it? It was given to me, graciously, so that I could live in harmony with others as a sign of the reconciliation of all things. Is that how I have lived today with those around me? For the Holy Spirit is given to us as the guarantee of what is to come.[1] Therefore my very days are given to be signs. Signs of what is to come. It sounds a rather grand thought, but, after all, is there any other motive for the Christian life?


Father God, you have placed me in this time and given me your Spirit as a foretaste of your kingdom to come. This day has been one day within your time for me. The time for your Spirit to move. Put like this, my meditation tonight is very likely to cause me to confess my failure. I have failed to grasp your presence. I have been anything but a sign of the great things to come. I do make that confession. But let me not miss what you have done. Show me, in this time tonight, where I have seen signs of your Spirit’s presence this day. Show me where there have been signs of your kingdom to come. Show me where I can recognise signs of your word speaking today. Show me where I have had the privilege of participating in your Spirit’s activity this day. Then I can truly thank you for today.

[1] 2 Corinthians 5:5