God’s ornament

Your hands have made and fashioned me;

Give me understanding that I may learn your commandments. Psalm 119:73


Read Titus 2:1—10

The Lord would have consistency in me. A consonance between myself and what I profess. It never did please Jesus to spot hypocrisy in anyone, and he called people out on it. What I think on in a devoted time like this will help my life conform to my faith. There’s very concrete advice here, for very concrete situations. I’m being asked to willingly co-operate, to willingly yield in patient, daily formation. I can see that the outcome God has in mind for me is actually attractive to God: he’s shaping me to be an ornament. I’m not to be un-pretty when God has had his way with me. It’s quite attractive, really, quite appealing.


My loving God, I begin to see myself, just a little, as you look upon me. You are making me, gently, steadily, patiently, forming me, and beautifying me. Temperance beautifies. Endurance beautifies. Reverence, self-control, chastity, managing a household. All shape me after your character. Sound speech, simple duty: you give me most graspable, practical ways of practising Godly character. You do this because I am precious, and I am being shaped by your hand.