A life of possibilities

When I told of my ways, you answered me;

Teach me your statutes. Psalm 119:26


Read 1 Timothy 4:4—8

Everything from God’s hand is good! I live my life in a wide place. When I am fit and able and have even a modest income I have choices. Life is opportunity. At the same time, if I multiply my options, if I explore every possibility I can fit into  my available time and energy, I will not mature. I will be broad and shallow, even flat. Even in the area of faith, in the matter of belief, I can chase down a multitude of teachings and practices. Only by living with discernment, by choosing for some things and against others, will I begin to live fruitfully. Then my life will develop some substance. And only as Jesus Christ stands at the centre of my discernment process will my life ring true to what I was made for. This practice of daily prayer is a key part in how Christ can form my life for its true purpose.


Lord Jesus Christ, I keep company with you in this set-apart prayer time because you have called me. You have made me your special responsibility. You have introduced me to the Father in the communion of the Holy Spirit. There are decisions I am to make: how to use my time, where to put my energies, what talents I am to develop, who I am to encourage in what they do. Let me act upon your leading. Let my life ring true to you.