A time for every purpose under heaven

For a thousand years in your sight

Are like yesterday when it is past. Psalm 90:4


Read Ecclesiastes 3:1—11

Yes, I live under heaven. I have been given times and seasons, and the evening hour is suited to reflecting on them. Times I would gladly return to, if I could. They are the colour and the dance and the song, the festival of my life. The holiday of life. God’s rest day. Not won by my effort. And there are times I would avoid. This would include times I never asked for, wished for, or wanted. Yet they have made me what I am, and have somehow by God’s grace been taken into his redemption. Even then, I would still rule some of them out of my life if I could. So, within this gift of time there is a time for time out, for celebration; and there is time for repentance. And for lament.


Life, my life, has been such a gift, Lord. Such a varied gift. I take this moment to thank you for varied joy. And quiet contentment. I take this moment to relive past moments of light and life. And I praise you. I take this next moment to repent. To express my regret before you and my bitterness within myself at time spoilt, my doing. And I take time as I need it for lament. For the grief, the waste, the things I have had to endure. And I do not do this, either, without Christ, or I would be lost in self-pity. I thank you that Jesus Christ is my redeemer, and no times will ultimately be wasted. All will be renewed.