With David in prayer

I will establish your descendants forever

And build your throne for all generations. Psalm 89:4


Read 1 Chronicles 17:16—22

I can learn to pray from David. I have my requests. I could go straight to them. But David does not. Before he makes his request, which concerns his own house, his descendants, the future of the royal line — before that request he addresses God. He names who God is. And that part of the prayer is longer than the request. He names who God is by declaring before God who God has promised himself to be, how God has faithfully shown this in what God has done, so that David can place his request within God’s faithfulness and within God’s gracious and saving purpose. Once I have remembered who God is, my request seems halfway toward its answer. I have been drawn to see myself in God’s light, to seek first God’s kingdom and God’s gracious outcome. That, then, is what I pray for, that my request will be taken into God’s fulfilment.


God of David, of Israel, and of David’s Son, Israel’s true king, you heard David’s prayer. In fact, you purposed what he wanted before he prayed it, the fulfilment in your Son. You are teaching me to place myself and my requests within your promise and your purpose. May I see what I want fulfilled beyond my expectations. May what I want be taken up into what you want. For you, O Lord, have blessed and are blessed forever.