Clothed with the character of God

When I think of your ways,

I turn my feet to your decrees. Psalm 119:59


Read Colossians 3:12—15
I have had the opportunity today to be clothed in this way. If I’ve had someone’s need press upon me, compassion and kindness were called for. If I found someone especially difficult, that required from me meekness, humility and patience. If someone was unfairly trying, I had the chance to forgive. And just about anyone, cheerfully friendly or hostile, gave me the chance to put on love and be ruled in my heart and my actions and my words by Christ’s peace. So if I did not clothe myself in these ways, or allow Christ to clothe me, I have rather missed out today. I don’t have those rich blessings to look back on. The day has lost some of its honour and sparkle. If, on the other hand, I’ve been privileged to experience the touch of his grace in these daily situations, now is the time for grateful thanks.

Dear Lord, one way or the other this day has been your gift to me. One way or the other, by falling in with you or by falling away from you. I can now see and acknowledge that your ways are good and gracious and life-giving. Life-giving not only to me but also to those you touch through me. So I thank you for teaching me these things. I thank you that if I go one way, with you, you bless me; if I go the other, away from you, you correct me for my good. Let your peace rule in my heart tonight.