The long-planned banquet

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,

And his courts with praise. Psalm 100:4


Read Matthew 22:8—14

I can take into myself many angles on God’s character, God’s generosity, from this reading. It seems a central story of Jesus: a wedding celebration, a royal bridegroom, an invitation to whoever will come, the opportunity of seeing everybody there, mountains of food, the whole business of getting ready, of not missing the best of all. But I’ll think on one thing tonight, the snapshot of God’s fierce determination that I should not miss out. This king poured all he had into the preparation of the banquet. His son’s wedding banquet was the biggest thing in the king’s life. It was all he had to give. To miss out was to insult the king himself.


Gracious Father, how passionately you have determined to share all you have and all you are with me. And not only with me. When I come to the banquet of your Son I am among a vast company, a throng of lucky guests who wonder how we got here. And we each, as we check our invitations, pinch ourselves. How did the invitation come to me? Only from your generosity. Yet, having come, it seems that you have planned this all along. Planned it for me, and given me a place. And prepared me for it. And put on a party for me! Let me never take it for granted, but only ever, ever be grateful, eager to participate to the full.