We will serve the Lord

To whom will you  compare me,

Or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Isaiah 40:25


Read Joshua 24:1—2,13—16

The place I call home, my lived environment, its rich provision, my sense of home —  so much has been laid out for me before I came here, given to me without my asking, without my deserving it: all grace, the common grace that I can hardly avoid, for which I have not laboured. I must thank someone for it. If I were not to thank and serve God, who would I? What other god could I thank for this? What other way could I go? What other philosophy adopt? Who else could I serve, and what would become of me if I did?


Lord my God, you have graciously provided for me, way beyond my deserving it. All that I have I have at your hand. It is not from an alien god. It is not from a foreign power. It is from my Father. It is mine because it is your Son’s. All things were made through him and for him.[1] All things are in his hands. You have entrusted all to him.[2] If I were to separate anything from him it would lose its true nature. It would become an alien thing, and a danger to me. Let all I have and all I am be subjected to him, to the Lord Jesus Christ, who will put all things under subjection to the Father, so that God may be all in all.[3]





[1] Colossians 1:16

[2] Matthew 11:27

[3] 1 Corinthians 15:28