A heart drawn to Jesus

For God alone my soul waits in silence;

From him comes my salvation. Psalm 62:1


Read John 12:1—8

I notice in my New Testament that those who follow Jesus from the heart, who learn simplicity, that is, who live simply themselves and develop a generous and open spirit toward others, they also celebrate Jesus Christ lavishly, almost carelessly. This is not the only form of Jesus’ anointing, but the extravagance is the same in the others.[1] Don’t I seem to remember that Jesus was criticised for his drinking, his party-going and his choice of company?[2] I take it that as I follow Jesus and think upon his self-giving, I should follow his heart wherever it leads me in generosity to others, and follow my heart wherever it leads me in celebrating Jesus himself.

[1] Luke 7:36—39; Mark 14:3—9

[2] Matthew 11:19

I should like to join Mary in pouring the costly perfume on your feet, Lord. I should like to smell the fragrance of the perfume, and for that itself to lift my heart to your heart, my love to your love. Knowing the little I do of the pain that awaited you, I should love to soothe you. Knowing the self-offering with which you embraced the whole world, I should love to be part of a whole world that offers all its heart in thanksgiving to you. When I rise from my sleep tomorrow I should love to go into the day ahead with the song of Jesus on my lips, the name of Jesus in my heart, and the celebration of Jesus in the way I live the day you give me.