Christ in me

We give thanks; your name is near.

People tell of your wondrous deeds. Psalm 75:1


Read 1 Thessalonians 2:9—12

Really, in all modesty, it is not a thing I would do, to urge my readers to note the list of admirable things about me. How I’d worked all night for their spiritual welfare. How I’d been no trouble to anyone. How I’d supported myself for the privilege of offering Christ. How I’d been pure, upright and blameless in conduct. I would not have drawn attention to all these Christlike qualities. Even if they were true, I’d have made sure someone else was kind enough to point them out, not do it myself. But, hey! If I do not see this character in my church’s leaders in some degree, the whole thing falls apart. If I never see Christ in those who speak of him it all lacks credibility and conviction. No one will be won to Christ if Christ does not show up. Not normally. Normally Christ shows up in his people.


Dear Lord, because I am in Christ, because my leaders at church are in Christ, because my whole church, the wider church, is in Christ, I pray that it is Christ himself who will be seen in us. That it will be no strange thing that some labour and pray through the night. That I will see and love what is pure, and be single-minded in the things of God. That nothing be too much trouble for any of us, myself above all, if it means making Jesus known.